
Leonard Woolf - You have a history. You have a history of confinement. We brought you to Richmond because you have a history of fits, moods, blackouts, hearing voices. We brought you here to save you from the irrevocable damage you intended upon yourself. You tried to kill yourself twice. I live daily with that threat. I set up the press... we set up the printing press not just for itself, not just purely for itself, but so that you might have a ready source of absorption and a remedy..

Virginia Woolf - Like needlework?

Leonard Woolf - It was done for you! It was done for your betterment. It was done out of love! If I didn't know you better, I'd call this ingratitude.

Virginia Woolf - I am ungrateful? You call me ungrateful? My life has been stolen from me. Living in a town I have no wish to live in. I'm living a life I have no wish to live. How did this happen? It is time for us to move back to London. I miss London. I miss London life.

Leonard Woolf - This is not you speaking Virginia. This is an aspect of your illness.

Virginia Woolf - It is my voice. It is mine and mine alone. It is MINE. I'm dying in this town.

Leonard Woolf - If you were thinking clearly Virginia you will recall it was London that brought you low.

Virginia Woolf - Thinking clearly...

Leonard Woolf - I would report you to Richmond, to give you peace.

Virginia Woolf - If I were thinking clearly Leonard, then I would tell you that I wrestle alone in the dark, in the deep dark and only I can know, only I can understand my own condition. You live with the threat, you tell me you live with the threat of my extinction, Leonard I live with it too. This is my right, 'tis the right of every human being. I choose not the suffocating anesthetic of the suburbs but the violent jolt of the capital, that is my choice. The meanest patient, yes even the very lowest is allowed some say in the matter of her own prescription. There by she defines her humanity. I wish for your sake Leonard I could be happier in this quietness, but if it is a choice between Richmond and death, I choose death.

2008.10.08 01:50


"He tried to weigh his soul to see if it was a poet's soul. Melancholy was the dominant note of his temperament, he thought, but it was a melancholy tempered by recurrences of faith and resignation and simple joy. If he could give expression to it in a book of poems perhaps men would listen."

"A Little Cloud", Dubliners. By James Joyce.

最近,每個晚上都讀一點 James Joyce。









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怎麼說。我可算是一個精神緊張的人,也許怕別人覺得我不夠努力,於是在可控制的範圍下不想出錯。反正我很不喜歡自己跟「懶」或「大意」扯上關係,否則我會落入一個發瘋及自責的狀態。一筆資料查完又查(這是我做傳媒時留下的習慣),發出去的稿子改完又改。書店裡有些瑣碎工作,盡量免遺漏,於是像小學生寫手冊一樣逐項記下,完成就用紅筆畫個 Done 字。如果連這樣也忘了,我就會狠狠痛罵自己,在旁寫:妳沒事吧?!或,一個字粗話。


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25 號有個分享會,在序言書室。相信會很精彩的。



活下來就會有好事發生的。』」 P.89





I hate rumors.
